- border: Border around the stimulus.
- none: No border.
- normal: The border has the same contrast, noise
and modulation as the stimulus.borderDistance : Distance from the interior limit of the border to the exterior limit of the stimulus. The distance can be positive or negative to create the border in the exterior or interior of the stimulus. Size property. Time-dependent.borderThickness : The size of the border. Size property. Time-dependent.- borderColor: The color of the border. Color property. Time-dependent.
- opaque: The border has always contrast = 1 and zero noise and modulation, independently of the stimulus values.
borderDistance : Distance from the interior limit of the border to the exterior limit of the stimulus. The distance can be positive or negative to create the border in the exterior or interior of the stimulus. Size property. Time-dependent.borderThickness : The size of the border. Size property. Time-dependent.- borderColor: The color of the border. Color property. Time-dependent
- none: No border.