
Patch with uniform color.

patch properties

other properties


Patch with gradient color. Changing linearly from color1 to color2 for the size of the gradient.

gradient properties

other properties


Grating with color sinusoidally oscillating from color1 to color2.

grating properties

other properties


Checkerboard defined by two different colors and the size of the boxes.

checkerboard properties

other properties


Checkerboard with radial symmetry defined by two different colors and the angle size of the boxes. Divided into different circles (maximum 10 divisions).

radialCheckerboard properties

other properties


Random dots.

dots properties

  • density: The density of dots per pixel. Value from zero to one.
  • coherence: The proportion of type1 dots from the total number of dots. Value from zero to one. Time-dependent.
  • dotsLife: The life of each one of the dots. When a dot reaches their life it disappears and another dot is created in a random position. Time property.
  • behaviour: Possibles types of behaviour.
    • same: The dot is always the same type (type1 or type2) during all its life.
    • different: Each frame a dot can change from type1 to type2 or viceversa.
  • diameter1: The diameter of type1 dots. Size property. Time-dependent.
  • direction1: Possibles ways to establish the dot direction for type1 dots.
    • random: The direction of movement of the dots is random.
    • fixed: The dots move in a fixed direction.
    • center: The dots move towards the stimulus center.
    • away from the center: The dots move away from the stimulus center.
    • clockwise: The dots move clockwise.
    • counterclockwise: The dots move counterclockwise.
  • color1: The color of type1 dots. Color property.Time-dependent.
  • diameter2: The diameter of type2 dots. Size property. Time-dependent.
  • direction2: Possibles ways to establish the dot direction for type2 dots.random: The direction of movement of the dots is random.
    • fixed: The dots move in a fixed direction.
    • center: The dots move towards the stimulus center.
    • away from the center: The dots move away from the stimulus center.
    • clockwise: The dots move clockwise.
    • counterclockwise: The dots move counterclockwise.
  • color2: The color of type2 dots. Color property.Time-dependent.

other properties



image properties

other properties



text properties

other properties


Play video from a source.

video properties

other properties


Play audio from a source.

audio properties

other properties


Play auto-generated white noise audio or pure tone audio.

pureTone properties

  • soundType: Select between pure tone sound (tone with a simple sinusoidal waveform) or white noise sound (random signal having equal intensity at different frequencies).
  • frequency: The frequency of the sinewave (Only in the case of pure tone sound). Frequency property.
  • amplitude: The amplitude of the sinewave. The perceived loudness of sound is basically proportional to the logarithm of the amplitude of the sinewave. Value from zero to one.
  • leftRightBalance: From 0 = totally to the left to 1 = totally to the right. Value from zero to one.
    • leftAmplitude = leftRightBalance * amplitude
    • rightAmplitude = (1 – leftRightBalance) * amplitude

other properties