You can create different types of lists:

List of numeric values

The values in the list do not have any unit. A numeric value of 3 can mean: 3 cm, 3 inches, 3 seconds, 3 frames, 3 radians… depending on the unit of the variable that acquires its values from the list.

  • name: A name to identify the list.

  • shuffled: If the values in the list are always in the same order or if they are shuffled every time the test is run.
    • in order: The values in the list are always in the same order. When an object selects values from the list, it can select the values in order or randomly, but the list itself is always in the same order.
    • shuffled: The values in the list are shuffled once at the beginning of each test.

  • jittering of the values: If the jittering is not zero, a numeric value in the range (-jitteringValue, jitteringValue) is randomly generated in each trial and added to the corresponding value from the list.

List of 2d vectors (size or position)

The values in the list do not have any unit. A value of (2;6) can mean: 2 cm; 6cm if the variable that acquires its values from the list is cartesian and the units are cm. But it can also mean: 2 inches and 6 degrees, for example, if the variable is polar and measured in those units.

  • name: A name to identify the list.

  • shuffled: If the values in the list are always in the same order or if they are shuffled every time the test is run.
    • in order: The values in the list are always in the same order. When an object selects values from the list, it can select the values in order or randomly, but the list itself is always in the same order.
    • shuffled: The values in the list are shuffled once at the beginning of each test.

List of 3d vectors (color)

The values of the list measure color as (R;G;B).

  • name: A name to identify the list.

  • shuffled: If the values in the list are always in the same order or if they are shuffled every time the test is run.
    • in order: The values in the list are always in the same order. When an object selects values from the list, it can select the values in order or randomly, but the list itself is always in the same order.
    • shuffled: The values in the list are shuffled once at the beginning of each test.

List of Images

To draw images in your test, you must first create a list of images. In that list you must add all the images you want to use.

Once inside the list of images, press +add image and the media library will open. Select an image from the library and it will be imported to your test. You can use any image format supported by the media library.

If you try to add an image and it is not imported, try using a .jpg or .png file instead.

  • shuffled: If the values in the list are always in the same order or if they are shuffled every time the test is run.
    • in order: The values in the list are always in the same order. When an object selects values from the list, it can select the values in order or randomly, but the list itself is always in the same order.
    • shuffled: The values in the list are shuffled once at the beginning of each test.

List of Texts

To draw texts in your test, you must first create a list of texts. In that list, you must add all the texts you want to use.

Once inside the list of texts, press +add text and use the keyboard to write the text.

  • shuffled: If the values in the list are always in the same order or if they are shuffled every time the test is run.
    • in order: The values in the list are always in the same order. When an object selects values from the list, it can select the values in order or randomly, but the list itself is always in the same order.
    • shuffled: The values in the list are shuffled once at the beginning of each test.

List of Videos

To play videos in your test, you must first create a list of videos. In that list you must add all the videos you want to use.

Once inside the list of videos, press +add video and the media library will open. Select a video from the library and it will be imported to your test. You can use any video format supported by the media library.

If you try to add an image and it is not imported, try using a .mov or .mp4 file instead.

  • shuffled: If the values in the list are always in the same order or if they are shuffled every time the test is run.
    • in order: The values in the list are always in the same order. When an object selects values from the list, it can select the values in order or randomly, but the list itself is always in the same order.
    • shuffled: The values in the list are shuffled once at the beginning of each test.

List of Audios

To play audios in your test, you must first create a list of audios. In that list you must add all the audios you want to use.

Once inside the list of audios, press +add audio and the music library will open. Select any audio from the library and it will be imported to your test. You can use any audio format supported by the music library.

You will not be able to import files with DRM restrictions.

  • shuffled: If the values in the list are always in the same order or if they are shuffled every time the test is run.
    • in order: The values in the list are always in the same order. When an object selects values from the list, it can select the values in order or randomly, but the list itself is always in the same order.
    • shuffled: The values in the list are shuffled once at the beginning of each test.

Lists of Blocks

Blocks are more complex ways of organizing the possible values of a variable. Visit Selection of variables for some usage examples.


  • numberOfBlocks: The number of blocks.
  • lengthOfBlocks: The length of the blocks (the number of trials for each one of the blocks).

Types of Block

  • typesOfBlocks: All blocks can be of the same type or there can be 2 different types of blocks.
  • startingBlock: The starting block of the test. (If the typesOfBlock is 2).
    • random
    • first
    • second
  • probChangeBlock: The probability of changing the type of block when a block is finished. (If the typesOfBlock is 2).

First Block

  • firstBlockFirstList: The first list of values for the first block.
  • firstBlockSecondList: The second list of values for the first block.
  • firstBlockStartingList: The starting list for the first block.
    • random
    • first
    • second
  • firstBlockProbChangeList: The probability of changing the list when a trial of the first block ends.

Second Block

  • secondBlockFirstList: The first list of values for the second block.
  • secondBlockSecondList: The second list of values for the second block.
  • secondBlockStartingList: The starting list for the second block.
    • random
    • first
    • second
  • secondBlockProbChangeList: The probability of changing the list when a trial of the second block ends.